From Ideas to Action Workbook
From Ideas to Action uses a unique approach to entrepreneurship education to create a new generation of entrepreneurial leaders able to put their ideas into action.
From Ideas to Action is a workbook and road map for moving an idea to action and is specifically designed for the young entrepreneur. This 200+ page book encourages students of any age to identify problems as opportunities and draw on their own skills, passions and resources to act now to create value. The activities of the book may be used to develop new venture plans or as an arsenal of stand-alone activities to encourage entrepreneurial thought.
In the spirit of the Open Source Education Movement, we happily have made the FROM IDEAS to ACTION workbook available here.
A Toolkit for Entrepreneurial Educators
This TOOLKIT is designed to guide teachers in engaging students in learning how to become entrepreneurial and how to think about issues in an entrepreneurial way. IDEA4Africa’s way of teaching complements the national entrepreneurship curriculum that is currently being taught in Rwanda.
The more successful you are at teaching entrepreneurship, the more likely that your students and your country will be defined by good business, good values and governed by an innovative, resourceful generation of entrepreneurial leaders.
In the spirit of the Open Source Education Movement, we happily have made the Toolkit available to you here.

Entrepreneurship and Business Simulation Packet
This Entrepreneurship and Business Simulation Packet goes along with the TOOLKIT and is designed to guide teachers in engaging students in learning how to become entrepreneurial and how to think about issues in an entrepreneurial way.
IDEA4Africa’s way of teaching complements the national entrepreneurship curriculum that is currently being taught in Rwanda. This simulation guide is an entrepreneurial experience for Form 4 students.
In the spirit of the Open Source Education Movement, we happily have made the Simulation available to you here.
Teach A Man To Fish teaching materials
Teach A Man To Fish provides education that bridges the gap between school and work. They do this through training, competitions and by working with like-minded partners helping thousands of schools set up diverse businesses.
IDEA4Africa is honored to have been chosen to partner with Teach A Man To Fish in the School Enterprise Challenge bringing their programming to an even greater number of schools in Rwanda.
Several of their guides written as part of their School in a Box series are available here: