Rwanda Teacher Organizer
Theogene is the teacher organizer for IDEA4Africa. He graduated from Kibungo University in 2006 with a degree in education. In 2008 he became dean of Communication at Ecole Technique Saint Kizito Musha. From there Theogene went for a Master’s degree in business management from Kable University in Uganda which he completed in 2013.
He began teaching entrepreneurship classes to train other teachers on how to teach entrepreneurship effectively. He was the entrepreneurship trainer in the Technical Education and Vocational School Association (TEVSA) where he ran trainings for teachers during their holidays.
Theogene began working for IDEA4Africa in 2017. He now has a group of 50 teachers from schools all around Rwanda who he has taught and who he continues to train and share resources with to better teach their students the skills needed to get ahead.
We don’t know where he gets to energy to do all that he does and parent his twins as well!