Recent articles:
- The New Times: Calls for more efforts to address challenges faced by businesses as GEW kicks off\
- All Africa: Rwanda: Entrepreneurship Week to Inspire Youth Into Business
- Umuseke: Turashaka ko urubyiruko rurangiza amashuri rudatekereza za ‘J’ai l’honneur’
- The Rwandan Development Board Efforts
Their vision is to transform Rwanda into a dynamic global hub for business, investment, and innovation. Their mission, fast tracking economic development in Rwanda by enabling private sector growth.
- The Rwanda Development Board: Rwanda Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) BUSINESS GUIDE
The SME Business Guide contains a summary of the SME development policy, information on business registration, access to business financing, and more for local entreptreneurs.
- Rwanda: Fostering Prosperity by Promoting Entrepreneurship
Beginning in 2000, Rwanda has designed a strong set of institutions that foster design and help institute business regulation reforms.
- Heritage Foundation, 2016 Index of Economic Freedom
The Index covers 10 freedoms – from property rights to entrepreneurship – in 186 countries.
- The World Bank Group
The World Bank Group has two ambitious goals: end extreme poverty within a generation and boost shared prosperity.
- Why Rwanda’s Youth Are "Wired"to Lead Africa
"No place does the yearning for home seem greater than in Rwanda, thanks to a generation of innovators."
- A World Bank Group Flagship Report: Doing Business 2016 Rwanda
Doing Business sheds light on how easy or difficult it is for a local entrepreneur to open and run a small to medium-size business when complying with relevant regulations.